County commission action enhances availability of lifesaving equipment

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The Miami-Dade County Commission on Nov. 19 approved legislation sponsored by Commissioner Joe A. Martinez directing the mayor to establish a county policy related to the installation and maintenance of automated external defibrillators (AED) and stop the bleed kits in county facilities.

According to the United States Occupational Health and Safety Administration, there are 220,000 victims of sudden cardiac arrest anually in the United States. Cardiac arrest is caused by a life-threatening abnormal heart rhythm that can result from a heart attack, respiratory arrest, electrocution, drowning, choking, trauma, or it can have no known cause.

Statistics have shown up to 60 percent of these victims might have been saved if automated external defibrillators were immediately available. Chances for survival from sudden cardiac arrest diminish 7 to 10 percent for each minute without immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation or defibrillation; and after 10 minutes, resuscitation rarely succeeds.

According to the American Heart Association, automated external defibrillators are very accurate and easy to use, and training is not required for their use. Automated external defibrillators are intended to be used by the general public, and most automated external defibrillators use audible voice prompts to guide the user through the process.

Under Florida’s “Good Samaritan Law,” any person, including those licensed to practice medicine who in good faith and without charge provide emergency care or treatment to another in an emergency situation, is not liable for any civil damages as a result of such aid or treatment.

“These automated external defibrillators are at certain county facilities, such as on certain floors of the Stephen P. Clark Government Center, and in some aquatic facilities, but every county facility would benefit from the installation of these types of life-saving equipment,” Commissioner Martinez said. “It is important to confirm that existing automated external defibrillators and stop the bleed kits are adequately maintained and in working order. We pray you never need an AED, but I feel better knowing they will be available and could save your life.”

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