FrandMe Law Enforcement app working with South Florida law enforcement

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FrandMe Law Enforcement app working with South Florida law enforcementDimitry Shaposhnikov, founder of U.S. Patent FrandMe Connect and FrandMe Law Enforcement, has been presenting his FrandMe apps to municipalities, organizations and law enforcement agencies throughout South Florida, and receiving great interest from them due to security concerns locally, nationally and globally.

Dimitry holds three US patents on his FrandMe apps and additional U.S. patent applications are pending. In today’s world that requires instant, secure communications, FrandMe is rising to the top of mind for many municipal and organizational leaders.

“Right after the tragedy at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School, I knew I needed to do something to make communications better to protect our children and our communities.

Since my company had been developing apps for the last 20 years, I immediately started thinking about the best way to provide instant secure communications between the schools and law enforcement. While developing my FrandMe app, I started receiving inquiries from law enforcement agencies that wanted to know more about the platform. What they learned was that FrandMe could be a great communication tool just within their own agencies. From their interest, and involvement, I then created FrandMe Law Enforcement ( I have three more communication/security apps pending with the U.S. Patent office to meet the needs of other arenas” said Shaposhnikov.

Multiple cities and law enforcement agencies are already using the FrandMe platform and more are requesting information daily. FrandMe Law Enforcement features a secure private network with messages that can be sent en masse to an entire network, specific groups or individuals. The platform works on any instrument, and all communications are archived and stored for future reference so officers don’t lose their phone during litigation and police agencies can communicate with neighboring police agencies. FrandMe Law Enforcement provides a specific topic “subject” capacity for each discussion and private discussions can be created and no messages are lost with push communication. The platform also acts as a web browser for attachments. FrandMe Law Enforcement offers one-touch, fast and easy response capability and emergency alerts are available. This proven platform is user friendly, customizable and is affordable.

For more information, contact Dimitry Shaposhnikov at 305.300.5224 or

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