Amazing things continue to happen at the Galbut Family Miami Beach JCC on the Simkins Family Campus located at 4221 Pine Tree Drive in Miami Beach. With a depth of diverse programming, our Camp Klurman continues to sizzle this summer. For all those parents that have yet to make summer plans, there’s an entire camp program packed with incredibly fun activities from music, arts & crafts, field trips, sports, gymnastics and cooling off in our 4,200 sq. ft. pool.
Speaking of this last activity, water is your body’s principal chemical component and makes up about 60 percent of your body weight and depends on water to survive. To prevent dehydration during this sizzling summer months, keep your body hydrated by simply making water your beverage of choice throughout the day! Some additional suggestions include eating foods with high amounts of water like fruits and vegetables. A popular suggestion for the kids – frozen water or ice pops!
This year’s camp program began June 11, 2019 and runs through August 16, 2019. Camp Klurman wouldn’t be the same if not for its specialty camps, including its sports, gymnastics, aquatic, tech, dance, hip hop and more. For those parents looking for something to do after dropping off their child at camp during those same summer months (June, July, August), the Miami Beach JCC offers a special summer membership for the individual parent who wants to stay around our campus and enjoy the JCC fitness classes, our state of the art fitness center or just stay cool in our outdoor pool.
Valid from June 1, 2019 thru August 31, 2019 for the entire months of June, July and August, the individual membership is $180 and the one-time registration fee has been waived. Whether a child attending camp or an active adult, play smart this summer and hydrate! Your body will appreciate the results.
For information regarding the Miami Beach JCC’s Camp Klurman or inquire about our summer individual membership special, call (305) 534-3206, “235” and ask for Membership.