Katie Abbott is running for Pinecrest Village Council Seat 4

Katie Abbott is running for Pinecrest Village Council Seat 4
Katie Abbott is running for Pinecrest Village Council Seat 4
Katie Abbott

Katie Abbott moved to Pinecrest from Philadelphia when she was 8 and attended Palmetto Elementary School, Palmetto Middle School and Palmetto High School (where she was Student Council President). She then went to Duke for her BA and Columbia University for her MA. She lived almost 10 years in New York City with her husband, working at Scholastic Inc. as a Project Manager in their Internet Group. She continued to work for Scholastic for about 16 years. She moved back to Pinecrest 10 years ago with her husband and two children (who are now teens). Since returning she has served the Village in many roles, including Zoning Board member, Crime Watch Co-Captain, Educational Advisory Committee member, Fashion in the Gardens Committee Chair, and Pinecrest Youth Advisory Council volunteer. Abbott was PTA President for two years at Pinecrest Elementary and PTSA President for two years at Palmetto Middle, and is currently on the Boards for both Palmetto Middle and Palmetto High.

She was also recently asked by Dr. Feldman to be an alternate appointee to MDCPS’s Student Services Advisory Committee. She considers being on Pinecrest Council as the next logical step in her journey. Abbott is also a 6x marathoner and Half-Ironman finisher.

All candidates were asked the following questions:

1) If elected, what would you do in the first 100 days?
“If elected, during the first 100 days I’d keep doing what I’ve been doing for 8 months. Talking to residents, Village employees including police officers and Officials (in Sunshine meetings of course), researching issues, and going to meetings and workshops. You must have the knowledge and background of the issues in question in order to properly legislate and make changes (if needed). It’s a marathon, not a sprint.”

2) What motivated you to run for office?
“Many years ago an elected Pinecrest Official suggested I attend a “Running for Office”- type workshop through Ruth’s List Florida. That planted the seed. The timing was right with my last PTSA Presidency just ending at Palmetto Middle, so I jumped in. I’m honored that Ruth’s List now endorses my candidacy.”

3) Why do you think you would be the best candidate for the position?
“I believe I’m the best candidate for two main reasons. One, I’ve been serving the Village and local schools for years already, in various roles. Second, I grew up in Pinecrest and now have a family here. My parents still live in my childhood home on Rock Lake. I have first-hand knowledge of the desires and needs of younger families raising children in Pinecrest, as well as the needs of older Pinecrest residents. My education and business background also helps.”

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