At the Special Presentations on December 18th, Councilman Larry Roth took time to highlight Delta Sigma Theta Sorority’s Successful Gun Buyback Event, which was held on June 8, 2019 at the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge in Homestead.
Councilman Roth asked President Kay Dawson and Major Angela Washington of the Miami Alumni Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., to join him at the front of the Council Chambers to talk about their ambitious initiative to make Homestead safer. Dressed festively in red, ten members of the sorority were present, not only to be recognized, but to also express Delta Sigma Theta’s gratitude to the City of Homestead.
Major Washington, a former Homestead police officer, began her presentation by thanking Councilman Roth for supporting the project. “I would also like to thank Chief Alexander Rolle, his Command Staff and the Homestead Police Department for assisting us with this event.” She noted the Gun Buyback Event wouldn’t have been possible without the approval and assistance of the Department.
Recounting what happened at the event, Washington explained, “The police staff intercepted the guns and then exchanged the firearms for gift cards. As a result, we were able to take 76 firearms off the street.” She beamed and added, “That’s the best we’ve ever done.”
Dawson, the chapter’s president, then presented both Councilman Roth and Chief Rolle with a special plaque expressing the sorority’s appreciation for their assistance with the project.
“Thank you for your partnership in helping us try and make our streets and our community a little bit safer,” said Dawson, adding, “Thank you all the wonderful Delta sisters who have given their time, their energy and their finances to support this effort. God bless all of you.”
Clearly impressed with the outcome of the Gun Buyback Event and the work of the police officers who facilitated the actual gun exchange, Councilman Roth noted, “Participants would pull up and the police would handle each of these guns and make sure they were unloaded and sometimes even take them apart. It’s amazing to watch these guys and see how professional they are even when they’re not out fighting crime, yet doing something so significant — asking people to turn in their unwanted guns — all for the betterment of the community.” He added, “I’m so proud we did this and I know we will be doing this again in the future.”
Chief Rolle added, “When Major Washington came to me and asked, ‘Can we do this?’ it was a no-brainer, because they funded the whole project. It was a lot of money and didn’t cost the city anything. All we did was assist them with it.”
He told the sorority members, “For you all to care about the City of Homestead and to take guns off the street — that’s awesome. Thank you all.”
About the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
The Delta Sigma Theta Sorority was founded on January 13, 1913 by 22 women at Howard University. These students wanted to use their collective strength to promote academic excellence and to provide assistance to persons in need. In 1940, seven young Deltas found themselves living and working together in Miami, Florida. They saw the need to continue the commitment of membership in Delta Sigma Theta. Throughout the years, Miami Alumnae has established new programs and projects and has perpetuated existing ones that serve their youth and community.