Temple Judea, 5500 Granada Blvd. in Coral Gables, is now offering a new course called the Grandparents Circle, a free five-session educational and support group experience for grandparents to learn techniques for nurturing Jewish identity in their interfaith grandchildren, while also supporting their adult children.
Grandparents Circle begins on Tuesday, Oct. 26, 10:30 a.m.– 12:30 p.m. Grandparents Circle courses are free and open to the public. To register or for more information call Temple Judea at 305-667-5657.
“The Grandparents Circle course is an opportunity for Jewish grandparents to connect with their interfaith grandchildren in a loving and nurturing way,” said Temple Judea Rabbi Judith Siegal.
Grandparents Circle will inspire Jewish grandparents to share Judaism in a fun way with their grandchildren, and their parents, and discuss the joys and challenges of interfaith families in a positive, accepting environment.
All sessions will be guided by a trained facilitator with a Jewish educational background. The five sessions will be conducted one Tuesday a month on the following dates: Oct. 26; Nov. 9; Dec. 14; Jan. 11, 2011, and Feb. 8.
The Grandparents Circle is sponsored by the Temple Judea Outreach Committee and funded by a generous donation from the Weiner Family Fund. The course was created by the Jewish Outreach Institute, an independent national organization providing programs and services to the intermarried and their families.
Known for its commitment to youth, education and the community, Temple Judea provides Shabbat religious services for individuals and families of all ages, holiday celebrations and special family programs, B’nai Mitzvah preparation, pre-school, religious school experiences as well as an array of opportunities for lifelong learning and community involvement.
The Margaux Early Childhood School at Temple Judea is nationally accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).
Now celebrating 61 years of Jewish Learning and Living in Coral Gables, Temple Judea is one of the largest Reform synagogues in Miami with more than 600 members. The congregation is led by Rabbi Edwin Goldberg and Rabbi Judith Siegal.
For more information, visit online at www.JudeaGables.org.